Rotary Dolls Museum
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What should be the size of the doll that I can send ?
The doll should preferably between 12 inches to 30 inches in height.

How should I pack the doll so that it does not get damaged on the way?
Along with other packaging materials the doll should also be wrapped with an air bubble wrapper.

On what address should the doll be sent?

The doll should be sent to the address as below:

  Rotary Club of Rajkot Midtown
Rtn. Deepak Agrawal
4, Manhar Plot,
Rajkot - 360002
Gujarat, INDIA
Email :

91-281-2445193 (Res)
91-281-2460802 (Off)
91-281-2476487 (Fax)
4 Are there any custom formalities to be observed when sending the doll?
No, as the dolls are being sent for charity purpose they will not attract any custom formalities. Please mark the package as "Free Gift, No commercial value".

5 Does one need to furnish any other details with the doll?
Please send your club's flag and a brief description of your doll, region, country and Club with the doll.

6 Will the dolls be available for playing or are they only for display?
  The dolls are just for display and would be kept secure in a box.
7 What other kind of doll can I send if I don't have an Ethnic Doll?
  You can send us any thing which is symbolic of your Region, Culture, Tradition, History. A doll, toy, monumental artefacts, accessories etc. can be sent.

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